Refund Policy

Service Cancellation Policy

To cancel a Service you have placed with the company you must contact customer support by email (Info@CLOUDINNOVICS.COM) or by phone. Every effort will be made to accommodate the cancellation of your order. When contacting customer support to cancel an order, please be ready to provide your name, the order number, and your contact information.

Refund Policy

When you buy our products/services, your purchase is covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are, for any reason, not entirely happy with your purchase, we will cheerfully issue a full refund. We develop and sell software that we use ourselves every day and have thousands of satisfied customers worldwide, and our support is second to none. That is why we can afford to back our products with this special guarantee. To request a refund, simply contact us with your purchase details within Thirty (30) days of your purchase. Please include your order number (sent to you via email after ordering) and optionally tell us why you are requesting a refund – we take customer feedback very seriously and use it to constantly improve our products and quality of service. Refunds are not being provided for services delivered in full such as installation service. Cancellations will be accepted via phone, fax or e-mail, and must be received by the stated cancellation deadline. In case the customer is not satisfied with the service, we will provide full refund given that the customer has initiated refund within 30 days of usage of the service by the company.

As a customer you are responsible for understanding this refund policy upon purchasing any product or services at our web site. However, we realize that exceptional circumstance can take place with regard to the character of the product or services we provide.



1. Non-delivery of the product or service: such as, for example, due to some mailing issues you do not receive a delivery e-mail from us;

2. Download issues: it may happen that you are having problems while downloading the product or receiving a service;

3. Irreparable defects or grave difficulties with the product or service: although all the products and services are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. This reason should be submitted to our Support Team for approval;

4. Product or services not-as-described: a request based on this reason is satisfied on a case-by-case basis with the company reserving full discretion to make the determination whether a refund is appropriate.

How to contact us

Should you have other questions or concerns about these policies, please send us an email at